Thursday 6 December 2012

Transformation on the path

I did not choose this path,
This path chose me...
I am the path...
There is no path.
The perceived path was a mere illusion.
This is my breakfast, lunch and supper.
The ego comes and goes as if it owns this house.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Birth of 'I'

More powerful than a mighty thunderstorm
yet more subtle than breath
'I' dissolved into it last night

Did you catch your first thought this morning?
Mine was 'where am I?'
And just like that 'I' was born

Thursday 12 January 2012

Back in the world

I am back here in the world.
Back in the land of dreamers.
Mesmerised by the beauty of the night.
And then I gaze at the full moon.
So clear.
Illuminating the night sky.
Daylight breaks.
I am beginning to see more clearly.

Why this back and forth?
Are there still more lessons to be learnt?
Sometimes I am tired of falling and having to climb back up.
I forget how. I forget that it is easy as breathing.
I forget that I am made to fly, not crawl.
Soon I will be soaring above these misty clouds again.
But why not here and why not now?