Thursday 31 March 2011

These words are insufficient

These words are insufficient
to explain infinite expansiveness
These words are inadequate
to tell you about the depth of this love
These words are insubstantial
to convey this reality
Mere words are unqualified
to pay homage to this beauty
Yet still, I find myself wanting to share this
How can I keep it to myself?

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Gradually, the fog begins to clear

Gradually, the fog begins to clear
And I can see more vividly than before,
And I can taste more sensually than before,
And I can feel more perceptively than before.
There is an aliveness I hadn’t noticed.
There are connections I wasn’t aware of.
Gradually, the fog begins to clear
And now when I walk, I just walk,
And now when I eat, I just eat,
And now when I breathe, I just breathe.

Monday 28 March 2011

This peculiar thing called navel

What is this peculiar thing?
Reminder that I am born of flesh from flesh.
Remnant of the linkage to my mother's womb.
The one from whom I was manifested.
What is its purpose?
Scar marked on me from the day I was born.
Scar marked on me through being born.
Scar that I shall keep until the day I die.
Of the chakras, you are my emotional centre.
Centre of my universe.
Concealing mysteries of my origin.
Storehouse of vital energy.
Hiranyagarbha has marked me such.
Hiranyagarbha has given me this reminder.

Thursday 24 March 2011

A contemplation on desire and creation

"Desire tells us, each time, “Now get thou this, and then you shall be happy”. We believe it implicitly and set about getting it. We are unhappy for wanting it, but we forget the unhappiness in the effort. If we do not get it, we have to suffer. Neither are we happy if we get it; for desire then finds something else for us to strive for, and we fail to see how desire is fooling us all the time. The fact is desire is like a bottomless pit which one can never fill up, or like the all-consuming fire which burns the fiercer, the more we feed it."

The above extract (taken from the Maha Yoga) basically tells us that following desire in the pursuit of happiness is counterproductive and self-defeating. Yet desire is the birth-seed of creation. How can desire be wrong? Let us contemplate on these seemingly contradictory points of view.
Desire or the longing for a thing or experience is in itself is not evil, it has its use. The greatest desire one can experience is to pine for God or to long for Source. That too will pass as the perception of duality falls away. The realisation that you are, and have always been, that which you long for will take its place. Until then desires will come and go. We cannot ever hope or expect to find peace in attaining anything outside ourselves. That does not limit us from creating that which we desire. The knowing of stillness is what separates us from falling prey to desire and using it for positive divine creation.

We are always creating, whether we are aware of it or not. You have created yourself of your own being and your world follows that same creative energy. Observation of stillness enables us to become more aware in our creations. From this awareness, we can become more attentive to creation and the process of creation.

There is no limit to the amount of substance or level of substance that can be created. It therefore follows that there is always more than enough for everyone. It is pointless then to look at the creations of others with an eye of desire. They are on their own journey as you are on yours. The ego will bring up jealousy, greed, envy for as long as you look to the possessions of others and for as long as you seek happiness in possessions. 

"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that [is] thy neighbour's."

The act of coveting as warned about in the tenth commandment has no place in conscious creation. You are here to create, not to compete for that which is already created!

Creating is an awesome experience, and the most awesome creations are created from a point of stillness. It is in stillness that creator, creation and creating are one and the same. It is in stillness that all of creation is awestruck and it is in stillness that all of creation is rejuvenated and then dissolved. Enjoy the experience of creation as it is meant to be enjoyed and replenish your creative energy in stillness.

Thursday 17 March 2011


In the flower of consciousness, you will find the sweet nectar of life that is stillness. Once you have tasted it, you will find yourself addicted!

Stillness is the backdrop from which all things arise to which all must dissolve. It is the space between thoughts. If you are lucky enough to have observed this space and you are aware of it, you will find yourself wanting to experience it again and again. It is a moment of complete peace in an otherwise maddening mind.

Imagine you are trekking up a great hill. You cannot see what is on the other side until you near the summit. The moment you get there you see the most beautiful view of the ocean. Even if it is just for a split second, in that moment you became awestruck by the inconceivable vastness of it. You are like a droplet in this vast expanse that is actually merged with the whole. In that moment you are fully present and so nature reveals its sacredness to you. That intensely alive moment is free of thoughts. A moment of total surrender. That is stillness.

For those of you who find it difficult to access this stillness, try asking yourself, "I wonder what my next thought will be?" and wait for it. It might take a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on how long you let it last. This is a trick I read in Eckhart Tolle's Power of Now. Another interesting read which inspired me to access stillness is Deepak Chopra's Buddha: A story of enlightenment.

Do not be hard on yourself if you find it difficult at first or if you cannot keep it for long enough. Meditation is a great tool, even if you are just chanting. But do not think you need a tool to access it. Stillness is always there and can be accessed at any time.

Our minds are constantly bombarded with images and sounds and all sorts of entertainment which draw it outward. "Not to be able to stop thinking is a dreadful affliction, but we don't realize this because almost everyone is suffering from it, so it is considered normal. This incessant mental noise prevents you from finding that realm of inner stillness that is inseparable from Being" Eckhart Tolle.

Go deep into the jungle of your mind. Slash away the vines of thought. Find a comfortable spot and just sit there. Your mind will tell you it is bored and wants to be entertained. Do not give in, if it can run it can sit still! Thoughts will arise, observe them and let them go. Slowly the mind gives in and peace will arise. Bliss always follows peace. They are close companions.

We are all capable of reaching this divinely aware place. Acknowledge your divinity and honour it. The best way to honour it is to be fully present. To be present is to know stillness.